Muhammad (pbuh), the son of Abdullah and Aminah. When he was 40 years old, 610 years old, he was chosen by Allah (swt) and received his first revelation. He preached monotheism and opposed all forms of polytheism.
Medina Mosque which is also dig the place of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). When he began to spread message of Islam, he and his friends pursued and underwent serious disorders. Therefore, Muhammad (pbuh) encouraged by Allah (swt) year 612 to wander out to Yathrib (later called Medina). During a short period of 23 years, he completed his prophetic mission. The Prophet died at the age of 63 and was buried in Medina.
Allah (swt) in the Quran calls Muhammad (PBUH) and said to him, "We have not sent you but a mercy to the people."
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) leading efforts was to bring peace and unity among the people and avoid war and bloodshed. He managed to lead the Arab tribal wars to death and build a state based on Islamic principles.
The Prophet was different from a common man with common human nature and human needs. He lived a simple life and not even considered to be better than others. But he is "like all Allah's prophets" free from sin (Masum), which implies that he could not get me wrong Allah's message, nor convey it erroneously to man. He said neither the message in a different way than the way he was going to do. A prophet sent by Allah (swt) can never distort the message or misunderstand it when he preaches it. Men should, therefore, follow him as an ideal and a role model.
The Prophet was, because of his good morals, known for his great integrity and compassion among his people even before the revelation. After the revelation praising God his morale in the holy book by saying:
"And you've certainly noble moraliske properties." Koran.
He was illiterate. His illiteracy is proof that the Qur'an is revealed. There is also an answer to those who claim that he should have authored the Quran, which has an eloquence that surprises Arabic language scholars. Muhammad (pbuh) was the last prophet of Allah (swt) has sent, and he will not send any more prophets after him. The message of the Prophet conveyed to humanity is accomplished by Allah (swt). The message has not been broken or distorted to be corrected. So do not any new prophets to come.
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