Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Ways to Treat Your Parents

Ways to Treat Your Parents

Thank you Allah for our OSM parents!
Having parents is one of the biggest gift (rezeki) given to us by Al-Mighty Allah. Without us realizing, they have been and will always be our best friends; the ones who will always love and care for us no matter when or what happens, masyallah! If you still have your parents around, be thankful and keep giving your love to them! However, if your parents have gone back to Allah, do not be sad! Allah promises that the Believers will be reunited with their parents in Jannah (Paradise) later, insyallah. Here are some very basic ways for children to treat their parents:

1. The most essential duty of a Muslim child (no matter how young or old you are!) is to show kindness and respect towards his or her parents. This can be in a form of many things; from kind words to warm hugs! In fact, Allah has commanded us to be kind to our parents in His verses, so it’s an important duty that should be taken seriously.
Related verses from the Quran: show
Related hadith: show

2. Parents are to be treated like Kings and Queens; hence we as daughters or sons should always speak nicely and generously to our parents! And don’t forget to smile whenever you speak to them (yes, even if you’re on the phone! :P)
Related verse from the Quran: show

3. Have you ever heard a nasyeed called “Your Mother” by Yusuf Islam? This is also one of the ways to treat your parent; which is to give EXTRA love to her! Mothers deserve fine and awesome treatment, for they have borne the child’s burden during pregnancy, has undergone birth pains, sacrificed her own comfort to her children, so many others!
But this doesn’t mean you should ignore your fathers! They too, are super awesome, so both parents must be treated with much respect.
Related hadith: show

4. Don’t wait for special occasions to show your appreciation towards your loving parents! There are many ways to show your appreciation to them; like giving flowers, free back massage, cards, cook their favourite food, and many many others (within your capability and creativity!) And remember, everytime you do, do it with the right “niat”, and full with sincerity. In the end you’d just want to please Allah and make your parents feeling joyous :)

5. The best way to treat your parents is to continuously make dua’ for them! Make dua’ in your prayers or sujud, whenever you thinking or missing them, or even the times when they are in your presence. May Allah bless our beloved parents and grant them Paradise, amin!
“Rabbi-r-hamhumaa ka-mma rabbayaa ni sa-ii-ra”
Dua’ for parents in the Quran: show

6. Whenever you feel like it, tell your parents without hesitation: “I LOVE YOU!” *heart*

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